Architectural Studies

Students in the Architectural Studies program at the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design pursue one of the four Specialist streams offered: Comprehensive; Design of Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism; History and Theory of Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism; or Technology of Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism. The Major in Architectural Studies is not open to students in the Architectural Studies program and is open only to students in the Visual Studies program.

All students beginning their studies in the Architectural Studies program are automatically enrolled in the Comprehensive stream prior to course enrolment for their first year of study in the Daniels Faculty. After their second year of study, with the completion of the required 8.0 credits, students who wish to pursue one of the more directed streams (Design of Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism; History and Theory of Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism; or Technology of Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism) and meet the admission requirements listed in this academic calendar are able to request the relevant stream. Meeting the admission requirements for these streams does not guarantee entry.

Upon the completion of 4.0 credits, students in the Architectural Studies program who have an interest in Visual Studies may also request the Specialist, Major, or Minor stream in Visual Studies to be completed in addition to their Architectural Studies Specialist.   These programs are listed in the Visual Studies section of the calendar.  Additionally, students may apply to one of the certificate programs listed below to complement their Architectural Studies Specialist program. 

Students who began their studies in the Architectural Studies program prior to September 2016 are eligible to request the new Specialist streams listed below, as well as the new Specialist streams, new Major, or Minor in Visual Studies listed in the Visual Studies section of this calendar. These students should note that, should they pursue one of the new Specialist streams in Architectural Studies or Visual Studies or the new Major in Visual Studies, they may need to take additional 100-level courses and may take longer to complete their program requirements. Students who choose to pursue one of the new Specialist streams in Architectural Studies cannot also remain enrolled in one or both of the Architectural Studies Majors (Design – AHMAJ2020 and/or History, Theory, Criticism – AHMAJ2390). These students, once enrolled in one of the new Specialist streams, must drop any Architectural Studies Major (AHMAJ2020 and/or AHMAJ2390) in which they are enrolled. More information for students who began their studies in the Architectural Studies program prior to September 2016 is available at

Architectural Studies Programs

Specialist in Architectural Studies: Comprehensive Stream (AHSPE1000)

All students beginning the Architectural Studies program are automatically enrolled in this stream prior to course enrolment for their first year of study in the Daniels Faculty.

The program in architectural studies initiates students into the discipline of architecture, using it as an unparalleled lens through which to pursue a liberal arts education. We are committed to establishing design thinking as an important complement to the humanities and science focus at the University of Toronto. The aim of the program is to produce a cohort of graduates with visual literacy and the kinds of critical skills that will prepare them to pursue multiple career paths in fields such as architecture, landscape, urban design and other cultural enterprises that are emerging from our changing societal context.

Architectural Studies begins with an introduction to the fundamentals of the field through design, history, and technology/computation. This foundation helps students understand the variety of graphic, writing, and calculation-based practices that constitute the field. Students within the program take two years of common courses in the design, history, and technology of architecture, landscape architecture, and urbanism before having the option of focusing on a stream with a particular emphasis. In these streams, the two-year core is built upon through increasingly complex design problems and more advanced topics in the history and technology of architecture, landscape architecture, and urbanism.

Following the first two years of study, students have the option of further focusing their degree by electing to pursue one of three streams: Design or History & Theory or Technology. Students may also elect not to focus their course of study and can pursue a Comprehensive Specialist stream, allowing more flexibility to simultaneously pursue Majors or Minors in other areas at the University of Toronto, with the aim of customizing their own degrees.

Admission Requirements:
Completion Requirements:

10.0 credits including 3.5 credits at the 300+ level, at least 1.0 credit of which must be at the 400-level

Some courses listed as stream options may have prerequisites as requirements not listed in the options but which must be taken. Students are responsible for fulfilling prerequisites; students enrolled in courses for which they do not have the published prerequisites may have their registration in those courses cancelled at any time without warning.

Year 1 (4.0 credits)

All of ARC100H1, ARC180H1, ARC181H1, JAV101H1/ ARC112H1, JAV120H1, JAV130H1, JAV131H1/ JAV151H1, and JAV132H1/ JAV152H1

Year 2 (2.5 credits)

All of ARC200H1, ARC201H1, and JAV200H1
0.5 credit from: ARC251H1/ ARC252H1/ ARC253H1
0.5 credit from: ARC280H1/ ARC281H1

Year 3 and 4 (3.5 credits)


2.0 credits from any of the following:

1.0 credit from any of the following:

Specialist in Architectural Studies: Design of Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism Stream (AHSPE1001)

The Design Specialist stream, oriented towards design, is ideal for students who choose to explore, and focus their studies on, the technics and methods associated with design and design-based processes. Graduates of this stream can choose careers in design as well as in other creative media and building-based industries, or pursue graduate degrees in a range of disciplines, including architecture, landscape and planning. The primary goal of the program is to familiarize students with some of the fundamental techniques of the design process, building on the Daniels Faculty’s ethos of thinking urbanistically across all the scales and material dimensions of design practice.

The curriculum consists of two general introductory and two intermediate elective studio courses in architecture, landscape architecture, and urbanism, complemented by required and elective non-studio courses in the areas of design, history, theory, and technology.

Enrolment Requirements:

Completion of 8.0 credits including all of the required Year 1 and Year 2 courses. A minimum CGPA of 2.7 with a minimum grade of 75% in each of ARC200H1 and ARC201H1. Meeting these admission requirements does not guarantee entry into this stream.

Completion Requirements:

13.0 credits including 5.0 credits at the 300+ level, at least 2.0 credits of which must be at the 400-level.

Some courses listed as stream options may have prerequisites as requirements not listed in the options but which must be taken. Students are responsible for fulfilling prerequisites; students enrolled in courses for which they do not have the published prerequisites may have their registration in those courses cancelled at any time without warning.

Year 1 (4.0 credits)

All of ARC100H1, ARC180H1, ARC181H1, JAV101H1/ ARC112H1, JAV120H1, JAV130H1, JAV131H1/ JAV151H1, and JAV132H1/ JAV152H1

Year 2 (4.0 credits)

All of ARC200H1, ARC201H1, ARC251H1, ARC252H1, ARC253H1, ARC280H1, ARC281H1, and JAV200H1

Year 3 and 4 (5.0 credits)

1.0 credit from: ARC361Y1/ ARC363Y1

1.0 credit from: ARC362Y1/ ARC364Y1

0.5 credit from: ARC365H1/ ARC366H1/ ARC367H1

0.5 credit from any of the following:

0.5 credit from: ARC465H1/ ARC466H1/ ARC467H1

1.5 credit from any of the following:

Specialist in Architectural Studies: History and Theory of Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism Stream (AHSPE1002)

The History and Theory Specialist stream, oriented towards the humanities, is ideal for students who choose to explore, and focus their studies on reading, writing, and researching in the area of history and theory. Graduates of the program can choose careers in architecture and design as well as in criticism, media, and curatorship, or pursue graduate degrees in a range of disciplines, including architecture, landscape and planning. Students are encouraged to formulate critical strategies in an attempt to understand the social, cultural, and political contexts of the built environment.

In the final two years of their study, students focus more intently on courses that directly relate to the history and theory of architecture, landscape, or urbanism.

Enrolment Requirements:

Completion of 8.0 credits including all of the required Year 1 and Year 2 courses. A minimum CGPA of 2.7 with a minimum grade of 75% in each of JAV200H1 and one of ARC251H1, ARC252H1, or ARC253H1. Meeting these admission requirements does not guarantee entry into this stream.

Completion Requirements:

13.0 credits including 5.0 credits at the 300+ level, at least 2.0 credits of which must be at the 400-level

Some courses listed as stream options may have prerequisites as requirements not listed in the options but which must be taken. Students are responsible for fulfilling prerequisites; students enrolled in courses for which they do not have the published prerequisites may have their registration in those courses cancelled at any time without warning.

Note that students enrolled in this stream must complete 1.0 credit at the 300-level in Fine Art History (FAH) courses from the Faculty of Arts & Science.

It is strongly recommended that students enrolled in this stream consider taking at least 1.0 credit in a language other than English from the Faculty of Arts & Science. These language courses do not count toward the requirements outlined below.

Year 1 (4.0 credits)

All of ARC100H1, ARC180H1, ARC181H1, JAV101H1/ ARC112H1, JAV120H1, JAV130H1, JAV131H1/ JAV151H1, and JAV132H1/ JAV152H1

Year 2 (4.0 credits)

All of ARC200H1, ARC201H1, ARC251H1, ARC252H1, ARC253H1, ARC280H1, ARC281H1, and JAV200H1

Year 3 and 4 (5.0 credits)

2.0 credits from any of the following:

1.0 credit from FAH 300-level courses

0.5 credit from any of the following:

1.5 credits from any of the following:

Specialist in Architectural Studies: Technology of Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism Stream (AHSPE1003)

The Technology Specialist stream, oriented towards applied technology, is ideal for students who choose to explore, and focus on new technologies that are related to the design and design-engineering disciplines. Graduates of the stream can pursue careers in design as well as in a broad range of disciplines and industries that are being transformed by new digital and design-engineering technologies, or pursue graduate degrees in a range of disciplines, including architecture, landscape and planning. The stream is designed to acquaint students with quantitative techniques and computational thinking, in ways that will allow them to creatively adapt some of these strategies to design. The program encourages an approach which spans the disciplines of computational geometry, parametric modelling, computer graphics, architecture, structural engineering, and environmental design.

Upper-level courses in the Technology stream will be studio- and or workshop-based with an emphasis upon coding and prototyping; advanced elective offerings in this sequence include topics such as landscape ecology, simulation, building information modeling, hydrology, and courses focusing on the relationship between materials and infrastructure.

Enrolment Requirements:

Completion of 8.0 credits including the required Year 1 and Year 2 courses. A CGPA of 2.7 with a grade of 75% in each of ARC280H1 and ARC281H1. Meeting these admission requirements does not guarantee entry into this stream.

Completion Requirements:

13.0 credits including 5.0 credits at the 300+ level, at least 1.5 credits of which must be at the 400-level.

Some courses listed as stream options may have prerequisites as requirements not listed in the options but which must be taken. Students are responsible for fulfilling prerequisites; students enrolled in courses for which they do not have the published prerequisites may have their registration in those courses cancelled at any time without warning.

It is strongly recommended that students intending to apply to this stream consider taking either MAT135H1 and MAT136H1 or MAT137Y1 from the Faculty of Arts & Science. These courses do not count toward the requirements outlined below.

Year 1 (4.0 credits)

All of ARC100H1, ARC180H1, ARC181H1, JAV101H1/ ARC112H1, JAV120H1, JAV130H1, JAV131H1/ JAV151H1, and JAV132H1/ JAV152H1

Year 2 (4.0 credits)

All of ARC200H1, ARC201H1, ARC251H1, ARC252H1, ARC253H1, ARC280H1, ARC281H1, and JAV200H1

Year 3 and 4 (5.0 credits)

All of ARC380Y1, ARC381Y1, ARC382H1, and ARC383H1

0.5 credit from: ARC384H1/ ARC385H1/ ARC386H1/ ARC387H1

1.5 credits from any of the following:

Architectural Studies Major: Design (AHMAJ2020)

The Architectural Studies Major: Design (AHMAJ2020) will be last open for any new enrolment in August 2016. Students currently enrolled will be able to complete their Major in Architectural Studies as per the requirements listed below.

Completion Requirements:

8.0 credits including 2.0 credits at the 300+ level

Some courses listed as stream options may have prerequisites as requirements not listed in the options but which must be taken. Students are responsible for fulfilling prerequisites; students enrolled in courses for which they do not have the published prerequisites may have their registration in those courses cancelled at any time without warning.

Year 1 and 2 (4.0 credits)

All of JAV101H1, JAV131H1/ JAV151H1, JAV132H1/ JAV152H1, ARC201H1, ARC221H1/ ARC100H1, and ARC181H1/ ARC231H1

0.5 credit from: ARC232H1/ ARC233H1/ ARC234H1/ ARC235H1/ ARC236H1/ ARC237H1/ ARC238H1/ ARC239H1/

ARC251H1/ ARC252H1/ ARC253H1

0.5 credit from: FAH270H1/FAH272H1

Year 3 and 4 (3.0 credits)

All of ARC321H1/ ARC200H1 and ( ARC313H1 and ARC314H1)/ ARC361Y1/ ARC363Y1

0.5 credit from: ARC341H1/ ARC342H1/ ARC386H1/ ARC387H1

1.0 credit from: ARC302H1, ARC333H1, ARC335H1, ARC337H1, ARC377H1, ARC351H1, ARC352H1, ARC353H1, ARC354H1, ARC355H1, ARC356H1, ARC357H1, ARC451H1, ARC452H1, ARC453H1, ARC454H1, ARC455H1; FAH206H1, FAH207H1, FAH215H1, FAH216H1, FAH230H1, FAH231H1, FAH246H1, FAH300H1, FAH309H1, FAH316H1, FAH328H1, FAH330H1, FAH362H1, FAH364H1, FAH370H1, FAH371H1, FAH372H1, FAH373H1, FAH374H1, FAH375H1, FAH376H1, FAH380H1, FAH391Y0, FAH392Y0, FAH393Y0, FAH394Y0, FAH395Y0, FAH396Y0, FAH397Y0, FAH400H1, FAH404H1, FAH405H1, FAH410H1, FAH413H1, FAH421H1; NMC366Y1, NMC368H1, NMC393H1, NMC394H1

1.0 credit from any of the courses in Groups A, B, C, D, E listed below. Students are encouraged to take additional courses in these groups beyond the Major requirements to fulfill degree requirements.

Group A (Literary)
ENG150Y1, ENG280H1, ENG285H1, ENG384Y1, ENG389Y1, VIC202Y1, VIC203Y1, VIC302H1, VIC303H1, VIC304H1, VIC305H1, VIC306H1, VIC307H1, PHL285H1

Group B (Urban)
ARC331Y0, ARC333H1, ARC334H1, ARC335H1, ARC355H1, ARC436H1, ENV307H1, FAH391Y0, FAH392Y0, FAH393Y0, FAH394Y0, FAH395Y0, FAH396Y0, FAH397Y0, GGR124H1, GGR220H1, GGR273H1, GGR339H1, GGR360H1, GGR361H1, GGR363H1, GGR366H1, GGR373H1, GGR462H1, HIS304H1, INI235Y1, INI306Y1, INI430Y1, INI446H1, JGI216H1, JGI346H1, JPF455Y1

Group C (Environment)
ENV200H1, ENV221H1, ENV335H1, ENV450H1, GGR107H1, GGR360H1, GGR361H1

Group D (Science/Technology)
HPS201H1, HPS202H1, HPS306H1, HPS430H1, HPS431H1

Group E (Media)
CIN105Y1, CIN310Y1, CIN312Y1, VIC220Y1, VIC320Y1, VIC323Y1, JAV120H1

Architectural Studies Major: History, Theory, Criticism (AHMAJ2390)

The Architectural Studies Major: History, Theory, Criticism (AHMAJ2390) will be last open for any new enrolment in August 2016. Students currently enrolled will be able to complete their Major in Architectural Studies as per the requirements listed below.

Completion Requirements:

8.0 credits including 2.0 credits at the 300+ level

Some courses listed as stream options may have prerequisites as requirements not listed in the options but which must be taken. Students are responsible for fulfilling prerequisites; students enrolled in courses for which they do not have the published prerequisites may have their registration in those courses cancelled at any time without warning.

Year 1 and 2 (4.5 credits)

All of JAV101H1, JAV131H1/ JAV151H1, JAV132H1/ JAV152H1, ARC201H1, ARC221H1/ ARC100H1, and ARC181H1/ ARC231H1

1.0 credit from: ARC232H1, ARC233H1, ARC234H1, ARC235H1, ARC236H1, ARC237H1, ARC238H1, ARC239H1, ARC251H1, ARC252H1, ARC253H1

0.5 credit from: FAH270H1/FAH272H1

Year 3 and 4 (3.5 credits)

2.0 credits in total from:

0.5/1.0 credit from: FAH206H1, FAH207H1, FAH215H1, FAH216H1, FAH230H1, FAH231H1, FAH246H1

1.0/1.5 credits from: ARC302H1, ARC333H1, ARC335H1, ARC337H1, ARC377H1, ARC351H1, ARC352H1, ARC353H1, ARC354H1, ARC355H1, ARC356H1, ARC357H1, ARC431H1, ARC432H1, ARC451H1, ARC452H1, ARC453H1;FAH300H1, FAH309H1, FAH316H1, FAH328H1, FAH330H1, FAH362H1, FAH364H1, FAH370H1, FAH371H1, FAH372H1, FAH373H1, FAH374H1, FAH375H1, FAH376H1, FAH380H1, FAH391Y0, FAH392Y0, FAH393Y0, FAH394Y0, FAH395Y0, FAH396Y0, FAH397Y0, FAH400H1, FAH404H1, FAH405H1, FAH410H1, FAH413H1, FAH421H1, FAH442H1, FAH470H1, FAH471H1, FAH477H1; GGR457H1; NMC366Y1, NMC368H1, NMC393H1, NMC394H1

1.5 credits from any of the courses in Groups A, B, C, D, E listed below. Students are encouraged to take additional courses in these groups beyond the Major requirements to fulfill degree requirements.

Group A (Literary)
ENG150Y1, ENG280H1, ENG285H1, ENG384Y1, ENG389Y1, VIC202Y1, VIC203Y1, VIC302H1, VIC303H1, VIC304H1, VIC305H1, VIC306H1, VIC307H1, PHL285H1

Group B (Urban)
ARC331Y0, ARC333H1, ARC334H1, ARC335H1, ARC355H1, ARC436H1, ENV307H1, FAH391Y0, FAH392Y0, FAH393Y0, FAH394Y0, FAH395Y0, FAH396Y0, FAH397Y0, GGR124H1, GGR220H1, GGR273H1, GGR339H1, GGR360H1, GGR361H1, GGR363H1, GGR366H1, GGR373H1, GGR462H1, HIS304H1, INI235Y1, INI306Y1, INI430Y1, INI446H1, JGI216H1, JGI346H1, JPF455Y1

Group C (Environment)
ENV200H1, ENV221H1, ENV335H1, ENV450H1, GGR107H1, GGR360H1, GGR361H1

Group D (Science/Technology)
HPS201H1, HPS202H1, HPS306H1, HPS430H1, HPS431H1

Group E (Media)
CIN105Y1, CIN310Y1, CIN312Y1, VIC220Y1, VIC320Y1, VIC323Y1, JAV120H1


Major in Architectural Studies (AHMAJ1000)

The major in Architectural Studies (AHMAJ1000) is only open to students enrolled in the Honours Bachelor of Arts, Visual Studies program. Students enrolled in the Honours Bachelor of Arts, Architectural Studies must complete one of the architectural studies specialist programs to complete their degree.

Completion Requirements:

8.0 credits including 2.5 credits at the 300+ level, at least 0.5 credit of which must be at the 400-level

Some courses listed as stream options may have prerequisites as requirements not listed in the options but which must be taken. Students are responsible for fulfilling prerequisites; students enrolled in courses for which they do not have the published prerequisites may have their registration in those courses cancelled at any time without warning.

Year 1 and 2 (5.5 credits)

All of ARC100H1, JAV101H1, JAV120H1, JAV130H1, JAV131H1/ JAV151H1, JAV132H1/ JAV152H1, ARC200H1, ARC201H1, and JAV200H1

1.0 credit from any of the following:

History and Theory: ARC251H1, ARC252H1, ARC253H1

Technology: ARC280H1, ARC281H1

Year 3 and 4 (2.5 credits)


1.5 credit from any of the following:

0.5 credit from any of the following:

Certificate in Global Studies of the Built Environment (U of T Global Scholar) (AHCERGLOB)

Successful completion of a Certificate is included on transcripts. Note that no course counted for degree credit can be counted for more than one minor or certificate.

The Undergraduate Certificate in Global Studies of the Built Environment is open to Daniels students interested in developing their knowledge of global issues and how designers can influence and improve conditions around the world. All undergraduate Daniels students are eligible to participate in this certificate. Students who complete the requirements of the Certificate in Global Studies of the Built Environment are considered University of Toronto Global Scholars.

Enrolment Requirements:

Certificate is available to any Daniels Faculty student.

Completion Requirements:

Students in the Certificate in Global Studies of the Built Environment (U of T Global Scholar) must successfully complete 2.0 credits from the list outlined below:

Required (0.5 credit):
JAV152H1 History of Architecture, Landscape, Urbanism, and Art II

Choose 2-3 of the following (1.5 credits):
ARC351H1 Global Modernisms
ARC354H1 History of Housing
ARC355H1 History of Urbanism
ARC357H1 Environmental History of Landscape Architecture
ARC331Y0 Studies in International Architecture
VIS307H1 Art and Context
VIS310H1 Imaging the Political
VIS327Y0 Urban Studio: Hong Kong

*select ARC400 series topics courses determined by year and instructor to be identified on the Daniels’ website yearly.

Certificate in Sustainability of the Built Environment (AHCERSUSP)

The choices architects make when they're designing buildings can have long-lasting consequences, not just for the people who live and work in those buildings, but also for the global natural environment. In taking this sustainability-focused sequence of courses, students will gain understanding of sustainability's social, ecological, and economic dimensions. They will also learn about the ways sustainability practices in architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, and art intersect with larger global issues like climate change, ecological preservation, and social justice.

Enrolment Requirements:

Available to any Daniels Faculty student.

Completion Requirements:

Students in the Certificate in Sustainability of the Built Environment must successfully complete 2.0 credits from the list outlined below:

Required (0.5 credit):
JAV303H1 - Cities, Society, Environment

Choose 3 of the following (1.5 credits):
ARC252H1 – Close Readings in Landscape Architecture
ARC253H1 - Close Readings in Urban Design
ARC281H1 – Structures, Building Systems, and Environments I
ARC351H1 – Global Modernisms
ARC354H1 – History of Housing
ARC355H1 – History of Urbanism
ARC356H1 – Design History of Landscape Architecture
ARC357H1 – Environmental History of Landscape Architecture
ARC386H1 - Landscape Ecology
ARC387H1 – Landscape Topography and Hydrology
VIS306H1 - Site, Installation and 3D Construction
VIS319H1 – Defining Landscapes

*Select ARC300 level studio courses and ARC400 series topics courses determined by year and instructor to be identified on the Daniels’ website yearly.

Architectural Studies Courses

JAV152H1 - History of Architecture, Landscape, Urbanism, and Art II

An introduction to the post-industrial world through examples of architecture, landscape, sites, and art drawn from across the globe. The goal of this course is not only to explain the artifacts and sites under discussion but also to explain the social, economic, and cultural conditions of the world through them.

Prerequisite: ARC131H1/JAV131H1/JAV151H1
Exclusion: ARC132H1/JAV132H1
Breadth Requirements: Society and its Institutions (3)
Enrolment Limits: This course is open to Daniels Faculty students and to students outside of the Faculty

JAV200H1 - Introduction to Critical Theory

A course that teaches critical and analytical ways of engaging visual culture within an interdisciplinary and international setting. Students are introduced to foundational intellectual tools and a research methodology appropriate to artists, designers, and architects.

Exclusion: VIS200H1
Breadth Requirements: Thought, Belief and Behaviour (2)
Enrolment Limits: This course is open to Daniels Faculty students and to students outside of the Faculty

JAV303H1 - Land, Relations, Truth and Reconciliation

The course considers interdisciplinary perspectives on sustainability within the built and natural environment. Through the examination of a broad set of textual and visual artifacts, students will critically examine responses to topics such as climate change, systemic inequity, and spatial justice at an individual, civic, regional, and planetary scale.

Prerequisite: JAV200H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

JAV101H1 - Design Studio I

A studio-based introduction to the methods and processes of design. The course serves as a hands-on exploration of design issues through a series of exercises that introduce students to the conceptual underpinnings of the design process, developing their capacity to conceive, manipulate, and analyze form through a variety of representational media.

Exclusion: ARC101H1/ARC213H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to Daniels Faculty students

JAV120H1 - Visual Concepts

An introduction to a wide range of topics situated in modernism, postmodernism, and the contemporary that inform current art practice and critical discourse. The course investigates post-1970 art practice through diverse societal, cultural, and political influences of contemporary critical thought.

Exclusion: VIS120H1
Breadth Requirements: Society and its Institutions (3)
Enrolment Limits: This course is open to Daniels Faculty students and to students outside of the Faculty

JAV130H1 - Visual Strategies

An introduction to diverse mediums and topics for exploration with an emphasis on experimentation and conceptual development. In addition to acquiring manual skills used in production of contemporary visual art, students are encouraged to explore their own individual artistic and research processes.

Prerequisite: JAV120H1/VIS120H1
Exclusion: VIS130H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)
Enrolment Limits: This course is open to Daniels Faculty students and to students outside of the Faculty

JAV151H1 - History of Architecture, Landscape, Urbanism, and Art I

An introduction to the pre-industrial world through examples of architecture, landscape, sites, and art drawn from across the globe. The goal of this course is not only to explain the artifacts and sites under discussion but also to explain the social, economic, and cultural conditions of the world through them.

Exclusion: ARC131H1/JAV131H1
Breadth Requirements: Society and its Institutions (3)
Enrolment Limits: This course is open to Daniels Faculty students and to students outside of the Faculty

ARC100H1 - Drawing and Representation I

An introduction to the theories and techniques of visual communication and representation in the design disciplines delivered through a series of lectures and thematic drawing projects. The course serves as a hands-on introduction to representational and geometrical techniques in architecture, landscape architecture, and urbanism.

Exclusion: ARC221H1
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to Daniels Faculty students

ARC112H1 - Design & Engineering I

A studio-based introduction to the methods and processes of design. The course serves as a hands-on exploration of design issues through a series of exercises that introduce students to the conceptual underpinnings of the design process, developing their capacity to conceive, manipulate, and analyze form through a variety of representational media. In collaboration with the foundational course in first-year engineering, students will conduct client-driven community-based research in response to design problems.

Exclusion: JAV101H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

ARC180H1 - Computation and Design

An introduction to computational thought and techniques through a series of exercises, readings, and lectures. Students will investigate the relationship between generative design, culture, and technology in design and art before and after the advent of the digital.

Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)
Enrolment Limits: This course is open to Daniels Faculty students and to students outside of the Faculty

ARC181H1 - Technologies of Architecture, Landscape, Urbanism, and Art I

An introduction to how technology has shaped the disciplines of design and art through a series of case studies that describe paradigmatic episodes at the nexus of architecture, landscape architecture, urbanism, and art.

Exclusion: ARC231H1
Breadth Requirements: Society and its Institutions (3)
Enrolment Limits: This course is open to Daniels Faculty students and to students outside of the Faculty

ARC200H1 - Drawing and Representation II

A course on the theories and techniques of visual communication and representation in the design disciplines delivered through lectures and thematic drawing projects. The course serves as a hands-on introduction to the description of structures and environments as a means of both production and critique.

Students are strongly advised NOT to enroll into both ARC200H1 and ARC201H1 in the same semester. 

Prerequisite: ARC100H1/ARC221H1
Exclusion: ARC321H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to Daniels Faculty students

ARC201H1 - Design Studio II

A studio-based introduction to design with emphasis upon the production of form and space and the formation of landscapes. The course serves as a hands-on exploration of the relationships between material, tectonic, and programmatic organizations in the context of social, technological, and environmental concerns.

Students are strongly advised NOT to enroll into both ARC200H1 and ARC201H1 in the same semester. 

Prerequisite: ARC101H1/ARC112H1/JAV101H1 and ARC100H1/ARC221H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to Daniels Faculty students

ARC251H1 - Close Readings in Architecture

Detailed examination of case studies in the history of architecture with close attention to the objects of study. The relationship between design, context, and theory will be explored through analyses of artifacts and texts.

Prerequisite: ARC132H1/JAV132H1/JAV152H1
Breadth Requirements: Thought, Belief and Behaviour (2)
Enrolment Limits: This course is open to Daniels Faculty students and to students outside of the Faculty

ARC252H1 - Close Readings in Landscape Architecture

Detailed examination of case studies in the history of landscape architecture with close attention to the objects of study. The relationship between design, context, and theory will be explored through analyses of artifacts and texts.

Prerequisite: ARC132H1/JAV132H1/JAV152H1
Breadth Requirements: Thought, Belief and Behaviour (2)
Enrolment Limits: This course is open to Daniels Faculty students and to students outside of the Faculty

ARC253H1 - Close Readings in Urban Design

Detailed examination of case studies in the history of urbanism with close attention to the objects of study. The relationship between design, context, and theory will be explored through analyses of artifacts and texts.

Prerequisite: ARC132H1/JAV132H1/JAV152H1
Breadth Requirements: Thought, Belief and Behaviour (2)
Enrolment Limits: This course is open to Daniels Faculty students and to students outside of the Faculty

ARC280H1 - Modeling and Fabrication in Design

An introduction to the theories and technologies of modeling. The emphasis of the course will be on the exploration of the relationship between technology and design conceptualization with the aim of developing skills to construct techniques for effective visual communication. The course will be delivered through a series of lectures and workshops.

Prerequisite: ARC180H1
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)
Enrolment Limits: This course is open to Daniels Faculty students and to students outside of the Faculty

ARC281H1 - Structures, Building Systems, and Environments I

An introduction to structural and environmental design, the technologies of building and landscape systems, and the methods and frameworks through which the built environment is constructed. The calculation of quantitative criteria is taught through first-principles explorations.

Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)
Enrolment Limits: This course is open to Daniels Faculty students and to students outside of the Faculty

ARC300H0 - Studies Abroad

An intense travel program led by an instructor to allow advanced students to spend time in a foreign locale, conducting fieldwork, experiencing local design programming, and connecting with professionals.

Prerequisite: 1.0 credit at the 200-level in ARC courses and permission of instructor
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to students in all streams of the Specialist in Architectural Studies

ARC300Y0 - Summer Studio Abroad

An intense travel program led by an instructor to allow advanced students to spend time in a foreign locale, conducting fieldwork, experiencing local design programming, and connecting with professionals.

Prerequisite: 1.0 credit at the 200-level in ARC courses and permission of instructor
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to students in all streams of the Specialist in Architectural Studies

ARC302H1 - Exploring Design Practices

An introduction to the practice of architecture, landscape architecture, urbanism, and visual art through a series of case studies and guest lectures. These classes will be integrated with the lecture series to provide opportunities for students to engage with leading practitioners in design and art.

Prerequisite: JAV152H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to Daniels Faculty students

ARC331Y0 - Studies in International Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism

For students in the International Summer Program. Documentation and analysis of architecture, landscape, and/or urbanism in the city where the programme is based. Topics may include building types, urban morphology and development, public spaces, urban precincts, and ways of life supported by them. Cities may vary each year.

Prerequisite: 1.0 credit at the 200-level in ARC courses or permission of the instructor
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)

ARC351H1 - Global Modernisms

An examination of the question of architectural modernism across the globe from the beginnings of colonialism up to the present moment. Themes relating to claims of universal validity, the transfer of professional knowledge, and political, social, and spatial contestations are examined through case studies.

Prerequisite: ARC251H1/ARC252H1/ARC253H1
Breadth Requirements: Society and its Institutions (3)
Enrolment Limits: This course is open to Daniels Faculty students and to students outside of the Faculty

ARC352H1 - History of Architectural Knowledge

An exploration of the ways in which architecture has made claims to knowledge through various means textual and non-textual since the early modern period.

Prerequisite: ARC251H1/ARC252H1/ARC253H1
Breadth Requirements: Society and its Institutions (3)
Enrolment Limits: This course is open to Daniels Faculty students and to students outside of the Faculty

ARC353H1 - Architecture and Media

An exploration of the historical relationship between design and media.

Prerequisite: ARC251H1/ARC252H1/ARC253H1
Breadth Requirements: Society and its Institutions (3)
Enrolment Limits: This course is open to Daniels Faculty students and to students outside of the Faculty

ARC354H1 - History of Housing

An exploration of the question of housing since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.

Prerequisite: ARC251H1/ARC252H1/ARC253H1
Breadth Requirements: Society and its Institutions (3)
Enrolment Limits: This course is open to Daniels Faculty students and to students outside of the Faculty

ARC355H1 - History of Urbanism

A consideration of urbanism through an examination of physical, social, economic, and political factors that have shaped cities and regions from the early modern period up to the present.

Prerequisite: ARC251H1/ARC252H1/ARC253H1
Exclusion: ARC333H1, ARC334H1
Breadth Requirements: Society and its Institutions (3)
Enrolment Limits: This course is open to Daniels Faculty students and to students outside of the Faculty

ARC356H1 - Design History of Landscape Architecture

An opportunity to build a historical and theoretical vocabulary for the designed environment. This course will include case studies at multiple scales, focusing on North American examples from the relatively recent past.

Prerequisite: ARC251H1/ARC252H1/ARC253H1
Exclusion: ARC377H1
Breadth Requirements: Society and its Institutions (3)
Enrolment Limits: This course is open to Daniels Faculty students and to students outside of the Faculty

ARC357H1 - Environmental History of Landscape Architecture

An examination of the global history of the interrelations between societies and their environment. This course examines the organization of landscape and urban systems in a variety of geographic and cultural regions across the globe and over large spans of time. Please note that ARC356H1 Design History of Landscape Architecture is recommended as background for this course.

Prerequisite: ARC251H1/ARC252H1/ARC253H1/1.0 FCE in ARC 200+ level lecture courses
Recommended Preparation: ARC356H1
Breadth Requirements: Society and its Institutions (3)
Enrolment Limits: This course is open to Daniels Faculty students and to students outside of the Faculty

ARC361Y1 - Architecture Studio III

This studio will focus on residential types and the domestic environment through an exploration of the relationship between building types, tectonics, and material assemblies in an urban context.

Prerequisite: ARC201H1
Exclusion: ARC363Y1, ARC380Y1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to students in the Specialist in Architectural Studies: Design of Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism Stream and to students in the Architectural Studies Major: Design (AHMAJ2020/ASMAJ2020)

ARC362Y1 - Architecture Studio IV

This studio will focus on the design of a public program or institution in an urban setting through an exploration of the relationship between building types, tectonics, and material assemblies in an urban context.

Prerequisite: ARC361Y1/ARC363Y1
Exclusion: ARC364Y1, ARC381Y1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to students in the Specialist in Architectural Studies: Design of Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism Stream

ARC363Y1 - Landscape Architecture Studio III

This studio will address urban form, context, and significance as factors in the creation of public space, with a focus on sites at block and neighbourhood scales.

Prerequisite: ARC201H1
Exclusion: ARC314H1, ARC361Y1, ARC380Y1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to students in the Specialist in Architectural Studies: Design of Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism Stream and to students in the Architectural Studies Major: Design (AHMAJ2020/ASMAJ2020)

ARC364Y1 - Landscape Architecture Studio IV

This studio will examine the reciprocal influences of landscape and urbanism, with respect to form and process, through a focus on landscapes as urban systems at multiple scales.

Prerequisite: ARC361Y1/ARC363Y1
Exclusion: ARC362Y1, ARC381Y1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to students in the Specialist in Architectural Studies: Design of Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism Stream

ARC365H1 - Selected Topics in Architecture

Examination of a selected topic in the design of architecture. The focus of the course changes depending upon the instructors research specialty or current issues in architecture.

Prerequisite: ARC201H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to Daniels Faculty students

ARC366H1 - Selected Topics in Landscape Architecture

Examination of a selected topic in the design of landscape architecture. The focus of the course changes depending upon the instructors research specialty or current issues in landscape architecture.

Prerequisite: ARC201H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to Daniels Faculty students

ARC367H1 - Selected Topics in Urban Design

Examination of a selected topic in the design of urbanism. The focus of the course changes depending upon the instructors research specialty or current issues in urban design.

Prerequisite: ARC201H1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to Daniels Faculty students

ARC369Y1 - Comprehensive Studio III

This Studio will provide a variety of design problems across different, nested scales, encouraging a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach. It is a team-oriented project-based course in which students will determine and develop a collaborative project within the built or natural environment.

Prerequisite: ARC201H1
Exclusion: Available only to students enrolled in AHSPE1000 (Specialist in Architectural Studies: Comprehensive Stream)

ARC380Y1 - Technology Studio III

This studio applies knowledge obtained from the prerequisite courses towards project-based design work with the aim of facilitating an understanding of the relationship between emerging digital technologies and production in architecture, landscape architecture, and urbanism through the development of computational tools and algorithmic design.

Prerequisite: ARC201H1
Exclusion: ARC361Y1, ARC363Y1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to students in the Specialist in Architectural Studies: Technology of Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism Stream

ARC381Y1 - Technology Studio IV

This studio continues to explore the role of technology in design and promotes innovation in design tool development, building systems, simulation and visualization. Emphasis will be on applying knowledge gained in earlier coursework in a project-based studio setting using computational techniques, physical model making, and 1:1 fabrication and prototyping.

Prerequisite: ARC380Y1
Exclusion: ARC362Y1, ARC364Y1
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to students in the Specialist in Architectural Studies: Technology of Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism Stream

ARC382H1 - Structures, Building Systems, and Environments II

Continued exploration of the principles of structural and environmental design, the technologies of building and landscape systems, and the methods and frameworks in which the built environment is constructed. The calculation of quantitative criteria is taught through first-principles explorations.

Prerequisite: ARC281H1
Breadth Requirements: Living Things and Their Environment (4)
Enrolment Limits: This course is open to Daniels Faculty students and to students outside of the Faculty

ARC383H1 - Technologies of Architecture, Landscape, Urbanism, and Art II

Building upon the themes and topics explored in Technologies of Architecture, Landscape, Urbanism, and Art I, this course will investigate how technology has shaped the disciplines of design and art through a series of case studies that describe paradigmatic episodes at the nexus of architecture, landscape architecture, urbanism, and art.

Prerequisite: ARC181H1 and 1.0 credit in ARC200-level lecture courses
Breadth Requirements: Society and its Institutions (3)
Enrolment Limits: This course is open to Daniels Faculty students and to students outside of the Faculty

ARC384H1 - Selected Topics in Technology of Architecture: Machine Design Practices

An exploration of the various creative machine practices available to designers. This course will introduce the history of machine design practices in architecture, art, and design. History and Theory will be augmented through physical engagement of creative machine practices.

Prerequisite: ARC280H1
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)
Enrolment Limits: This course is open to Daniels Faculty students and to students outside of the Faculty

ARC385H1 - Physical Computing

An exploration of the relationship between computation design and approaches to physical interaction. The course will explore a range of approaches for integrating computation into the physical realm through a series of projects using physical computing prototyping tools.

Prerequisite: ARC280H1
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)
Enrolment Limits: This course is open to Daniels Faculty students and to students outside of the Faculty

ARC386H1 - Landscape Ecology

An introduction to the principles of landscape ecology, addressing the application of evolving scientific understanding to contemporary landscape architecture and urban design practice.

Prerequisite: 1.0 credit at the 200-level lecture course
Exclusion: ARC341H1
Breadth Requirements: Living Things and Their Environment (4)
Enrolment Limits: This course is open to Daniels Faculty students and to students outside of the Faculty

ARC387H1 - Landscape Topography and Hydrology

An introduction to the manipulation of landform and water in the urban context, studied through digital fabrication and metrics.

Prerequisite: 1.0 credit at the 200-level lecture course
Exclusion: ARC341H1
Breadth Requirements: Living Things and Their Environment (4)
Enrolment Limits: This course is open to Daniels Faculty students and to students outside of the Faculty

ARC395H1 - Design Build Studio

An opportunity for degree students in their third year in the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design to work on an intensive design-build project.

Prerequisite: ARC200H1, ARC201H1. An application must be submitted to the Program Director.
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to Daniels Faculty students

ARC399H1 - Research Opportunity Program

An opportunity for degree students in their third year in the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design to work on the research project of a professor in return for 399H1 course credit.

Prerequisite: 1.0 credit at the 300-level in ARC courses. An application must be submitted to the Program Director.
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to Daniels Faculty students

ARC399Y1 - Research Opportunity Program

An opportunity for degree students in their third year in the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design to work on the research project of a professor in return for 399Y1 course credit.

Prerequisite: 1.0 credit at the 300-level in ARC courses. An application must be submitted to the program director.
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to Daniels Faculty students

ARC426H1 - Working with Wood

Wood has been an important building material throughout the ages and in today's world has taken on the added importance of being a renewable and sustainable material that assists with greenhouse gas mitigation strategies. This course will provide students with an understanding of wood’s unique physical properties, the variability of these properties within different species and how these properties can inform its proper use in various applications. The Canadian forestry industry sets the context for this course acknowledging that forests transcend political borders and reach around the world.

Prerequisite: 1.0 credit at the 300-level in ARC courses
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)

ARC451H1 - Advanced Topics in the History and Theory of Architecture

Examination of an advanced topic in the history and theory of architecture. The focus of the course changes depending on the instructors research specialty as well as current issues.

Prerequisite: 1.0 credit at the 300-level in ARC courses
Breadth Requirements: Society and its Institutions (3)
Enrolment Limits: This course is open to Daniels Faculty students and to students outside of the Faculty

ARC452H1 - Advanced Topics in the History and Theory of Landscape Architecture

Examination of an advanced topic in the history and theory of landscape architecture. The focus of the course changes depending on the instructors research specialty as well as current issues.

Prerequisite: 1.0 credit at the 300-level in ARC courses
Breadth Requirements: Society and its Institutions (3)
Enrolment Limits: This course is open to Daniels Faculty students and to students outside of the Faculty

ARC453H1 - Advanced Topics in the History and Theory of Urbanism

Examination of an advanced topic in the history and theory of urbanism. The focus of the course changes depending on the instructors research specialty as well as current issues.

Prerequisite: 1.0 credit at the 300-level in ARC courses
Breadth Requirements: Society and its Institutions (3)
Enrolment Limits: This course is open to Daniels Faculty students and to students outside of the Faculty

ARC456H1 - Senior Seminar in History and Theory (Research)

Through individual and group efforts, students will address various topics of critical importance to the disciplines of architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design pursuing individual research projects within areas of faculty expertise.

Prerequisite: 2.0 credits from ARC351H1, ARC352H1, ARC353H1, ARC354H1, ARC355H1, ARC356H1, ARC357H1, VIS330H1, VIS332H1, with a final average of 80% and permission of the Program Director.
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to students in the Specialist in Architectural Studies: History and Theory of Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism Stream

ARC457Y1 - Senior Seminar in History and Theory (Thesis)

This course gives students experience in engaging a multidisciplinary problem and thesis within the built and/or natural environment that spans the design, history and theory, and technology of the design disciplines, through a design / research project.  

Prerequisite: ARC456H1/ARC461H1/ARC486H1 with a final grade of 80% and permission of the Program Director
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to students in the following streams within the Specialist in Architectural Studies: Design of Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism Stream; History and Theory of Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism Stream; and Technology of Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism Stream

ARC461H1 - Senior Seminar in Design (Research)

Through individual and group efforts, students will address various topics of critical importance to the disciplines of architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design pursuing individual research projects within areas of faculty expertise.

Prerequisite: ARC362Y1/ARC364Y1 with a final grade of 80% and permission of the Program Director
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to students in the Specialist in Architectural Studies: Design of Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism Stream

ARC462Y1 - Senior Seminar in Design (Thesis)

This course gives students experience in engaging a multidisciplinary problem and thesis within the built and/or natural environment that spans the design, history and theory, and technology of the design disciplines, through a design project. 

Prerequisite: ARC456H1/ARC461H1/ARC486H1 with a final grade of 80% and permission of the Program Director
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to students in the following streams within the Specialist in Architectural Studies: Design of Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism Stream; History and Theory of Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism Stream; and Technology of Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism Stream

ARC465H1 - Advanced Topics in Architecture

Examination of an advanced topic in the design of architecture. The focus of the course changes depending upon the instructors research specialty or current issues in architecture.

Prerequisite: 1.0 credit at the 300-level in ARC courses
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to Daniels Faculty students

ARC466H1 - Advanced Topics in Landscape Architecture

Examination of an advanced topic in the design of landscape architecture. The focus of the course changes depending upon the instructors research specialty or current issues in landscape architecture.

Prerequisite: 1.0 credit at the 300-level in ARC courses
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to Daniels Faculty students

ARC467H1 - Advanced Topics in Urban Design

Examination of an advanced topic in the design of urbanism. The focus of the course changes depending upon the instructors research specialty or current issues in urban design.

Prerequisite: 1.0 credit at the 300-level in ARC courses
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to Daniels Faculty students

ARC481H1 - Advanced Topics in the Technology of Landscape Architecture

Examination of an advanced topic in the technology of landscape architecture. The focus of the course changes depending upon the instructors research specialty or current issues in landscape architecture.

Prerequisite: ARC382H1
Breadth Requirements: Living Things and Their Environment (4)
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to Daniels Faculty students

ARC482H1 - Advanced Topics in the Technology of Urbanism

Examination of an advanced topic in the technology of urbanism. The focus of the course changes depending upon the instructors research specialty or current issues in landscape architecture.

Prerequisite: ARC382H1
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to Daniels Faculty students

ARC483H1 - Advanced Topics in Building Science

Examination of an advanced topic in building science. The focus of the course changes depending upon the instructor’s research specialty or current issues in architecture, landscape architecture, and urbanism.

Prerequisite: ARC382H1
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to Daniels Faculty students

ARC484H1 - Wood-Frame Construction Technology

This elective is a practical, introductory-level course aimed at providing students with an understanding of wood-frame construction technology. The course examines wood-frame construction within the scope of residential and small buildings. It will conclude with a survey of contemporary wood-frame construction technology, innovations and trends. 

Prerequisite: ARC382H - Structures, Building Systems, and Environments II
Breadth Requirements: The Physical and Mathematical Universes (5)
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to Daniels Faculty students

ARC486H1 - Senior Seminar in Technology (Research)

Through individual and group efforts, students will address a collective topic of critical importance to the disciplines of architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design within areas of faculty expertise.

Prerequisite: ARC381Y1 with a final grade of 80% and permission of the Program Director
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to students in the Specialist in Architectural Studies: Technology of Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism Stream

ARC487Y1 - Senior Seminar in Technology (Thesis)

This course gives students experience in engaging a multidisciplinary problem and thesis that spans the design, history and theory, and technology of the design disciplines, through a design / research project.  

Prerequisite: ARC456H1/ARC461H1/ARC486H1 with a final grade of 80% and permission of the Program Director
Breadth Requirements: Creative and Cultural Representations (1)
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to students in the following streams within the Specialist in Architectural Studies: Design of Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism Stream; History and Theory of Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism Stream; and Technology of Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism Stream

ARC490Y1 - Multidisciplinary Urban Capstone Project

An experience in multi-disciplinary architectural practice through a significant, open-ended, client-driven design project in which student teams address stakeholder needs through the use of a creative and iterative design process.

Prerequisite: 2.0 credits from ARC351H1ARC352H1ARC353H1ARC354H1ARC355H1ARC356H1ARC357H1VIS330H1VIS332H1, with a final average of 80% and, Permission of the Program Director and MUCP admissions committee. 

Exclusion: ARC456H1/ ARC457Y1/ ARC461H1/ ARC462Y1/ ARC486H1/ ARC487Y1

ARC491H1 - Multidisciplinary Capstone Design Seminar

The seminar is an optional co-requisite available to students participating in ARC490Y. It offers a critical consideration of ongoing design work for their respective Capstone Projects in a series of collaborative sessions, and allows students to advance aspects of their multidisciplinary designs through an architectural, urban or landscape design lens. This includes the creation of portfolio or multimedia content as a final stage of the design process.

The course will include group meetings, pinups and presentations, and independent design work.

Corequisite: ARC490Y1

ARC495Y1 - Architectural Studies Internship

An opportunity for degree students who have completed their third year in the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design to bridge academic knowledge and professional practice through design research.

Prerequisite: 1.0 credit ARC 300-level courses. An application must be submitted to the Program Director.
Enrolment Limits: This course is restricted to Daniels Faculty students.

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